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Please enjoy this interview

of Stu Richel by Ann Nyberg,

WTNH-TV, New Haven, Connecticut.

March 29, 2021

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It was such a great experience to bring  "Vietnam...through my lens"

to the producer's home state of Utah for a second time, this time in Salt Lake City.

We hope you enjoy this interview of Actor/Playwright, Stu Richel  by Sheri Jardine, Communications Manager of Utah Presents published in "The Arts and U" Newletter.

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And don't miss this

great blog posted by Utah Presents "In the Artist's Voice", 

taken from conversations with Stu and with the Producer/Director, Linda S. Nelson

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Thanks to Utah Presents

in partnership with the

University of Utah

Veterans Support Center,

we had the opportunity to appear at the historic Kingsbury Hall

to packed houses and

a standing ovation!

We are proud as a peacock! 

(You would be too.) 

We received a very favorable review

from Dewain Hulett who attended the performance at Western Illinois University.

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And while you're at it, 

take a look at Mr. Hulett's preview article

It perfectly catches the heart and soul of

"Vietnam...through my lens"



News 4 New York Interview announcing the NYC 2014 Premiere Production.

In their December 2014 issue,


a national magazine,

published a photo array of

Stu Richel’s photographs from his tour in Vietnam. 

This issue's release coincided with 

the New York City premiere of 

“Vietnam…through my lens” 

at the Dorothy Strelsin Theatre. 

"in his simple storytelling style, Stu can make the ordinary seem extraordinary and the everyday seem heroic. His words and pictures bring to life a palpable sense of what the country’s pulse was at the time of Vietnam." 

- David Lally, NY Indie Theatre Now.

WLIW21 has created an online site for photos of local veterans and stories about their military service.  Stu's background was included on that site. 

"It is real, honest, moving and a particularly American work."


- Constance Rodgers, Front Row Center

St George News


"See acclaimed show ‘Vietnam…Through my Lens’ in Kayenta’s Lorraine Boccardo Theater; free for veterans"


Written by and for St. George News

Published February 13, 2017

Please Click on the link above for a terrific online video and article

"Richel has written and performs an absolutely engaging, realistic

yet primarily light-hearted, view of his participation in a war

that tore not only Viet Nam, but this country, to shreds...

(he) tells a great tale, no matter what your age."

- Karen D’Onofrio, OffBway Blog

Vietnam...through my lens

played in Altoona, Pennsylvania on

Sunday, July 23, 2017, at the historic Mishler Theatre.

The performance was sponsored by the members of Fire Base Eagle

and was featured on the cover and as the centerfold article in

The Altoona Mirror's "GO" Weekend Magazine.

“Complemented by Richel's own photographs of the era, his lens puts a face on the American soldier,

while showcasing his skill in character acting.”


- Deborah Greenhut, Playwright/Princeton Research Forum.

"...they slogged through the mud, the jungle and the rice paddies..."  Watch the reading of "The Infantryman" below and see why this, and the full performance, inspired the comments to the right.

       * "I wish the younger generation would reflect on the sacrifice so many men and women in uniform have made to give us liberty and freedom. As somebody who chose to become a citizen of this country, I feel this notion is lost on way too many of our fellow citizens. I must see your show."

- a Banker  

*  "Your photographs and your words capture the essence of a soldier’s life, his fears and his hopes.  (Your show) is, in many ways, both a tribute to these men and, sadly, a tender memorial for many."  - an Actress


*  "When was the last time I had tears in my eyes?  Well, just after finishing watching your video clip.  Incredibly powerful!!!!" 

- a Real Estate Developer


*  "Incredibly moving...Thank you for sharing." - a Housewife


       *  "Amazing, Stu.  This is terrific. Not surprised one bit."- a Producer


       *  "Love the sound of your voice, Stu.  Even more so, the powerful words you choose to use it for.  Powerful stuff!”

a Commercial Photographer


       *  "This is great!"- a Playwright, Actor and Acting Teacher 

       *  "I find it remarkable." - a (retired) Corporate Executive

October 2014

                                                                                    World-Premiere of the new play

                                                                                   VIETNAM…THROUGH MY LENS

                                                                  Written and Performed by Stu Richel (“Everyone’s War”)

                                                                           Directed by Linda S. Nelson (“The Choice”)

                                                                     Performances begin Off-Broadway November 6th

                                                                  at the Dorothy Strelsin Theatre (312 West 36th Street)



Scheduled November 6th through November 23rd, 2014, VIETNAM...THROUGH MY LENS will have a performance schedule of Tuesdays through Saturdays at 8pm and Sundays at 2pm at the Dorothy Strelsin Theatre (312 West 36th Street). Tickets are $18 general admission ($15 seniors and students) and are available through TheaterMania ( There will be a special Veterans Day performance of VIETNAM…THROUGH MY LENS on Tuesday, November 11 at 8pm with post-show reception for $50 – with partial proceeds going to the Fisher House Foundation Inc., a non-profit that aids veterans and their families.



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